Contact Nartarsha

If you have any questions or comments, or to enquire about my services, please complete my contact form.


  • "It was such an incredible honour to have Nartarsha open our event. There was such beautiful energy throughout the audience that of course emanated straight from Nartarsha. The smiles, the dancing and the story was all such a fabulous way to set the tone and begin our day with Acknowledgement of Country. "

    Tina Towers, Author - Million Dollar Micro Business and Entrepreneur

  • “Nartarsha was an uplifting speaker who commanded the (virtual) room with kindness and generously shared her knowledge of Country, community and parenthood with us. It was a delight to have her speak at our Foundation event during NAIDOC Week. Thank you again”

    Shane Lucas, CEO, Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

  • “Natarsha Bamblett’s Acknowledgement of Country at each of the 3 events at the MAV Technology conference where I was MC, was always fresh, appropriate for the setting and engaged and educated the audience. She made the audience feel like they were really part of the acknowledgement and not just observing. I would highly recommend it.”

    Lisa McAskill - Master of Ceremonies ICMI Speakers and Entertainers

  • “Brilliant and emotive Acknowledgement of Country, certainly the most engaging I have witnessed. Tarsh leads the audience in a connected way which is just incredible. Thank you.”

    Peter Auhl Principal, EQi Consulting